my next stocking is coming up on tuesday at fresh. our theme is elation. inspiration struck a little late for me on this one, but things are in the works. watch for a possible newborn remix, a new design, and some others in sizes and colors people might have been looking for.
no pictures to share yet but i'll try to get some up tomorrow. maybe. if i'm not too busy scrambling to get listings done still.
on the horizon is a lily pad landing stocking on thursday and continuing work on the yarn lovers unite order. busy times, especially since i need to pack all my dyes and pots away for the weekend for hosting the kiddos' joint family birthday party with 20-some people on sunday. my kitchen is going to look naked without dye jars, bins and pots on every flat surface. the zen will only last a few days before it all gets pulled back out and looks all cluttered in here again.

also watch for a charity listing for a YPS/color Heartfeet tee on the Family Pendragon cart on HC, and a few things might pop up at etsy in the next few weeks. Plus I have a set up nice fall napkins offered as part of a giveaway (pictured above) that will be on the Etsy HC Street Team blog within the next few days, as well as a few things planned for K and F Shops' anniversary stocking later this month. :)