so the kids head back to school next week. jasper is starting kindergarten and millie is in preschool again. teachers all around seem great, kids opinions go from excitement (dd) to annoyance (ds) at summer almost being over. and i'm completely overwhelmed with paperwork, appointments to get required exams done (dental and eye... i procrastinated), orientations, open houses, etc etc etc.
so to take my mind of the less than fun parts about heading back to school, here's my dream shopping list for things for the kids (and maybe a little something for me) to get them ready for the coming months!
for ds, i love this pirate raglan! i think it's cute, he'd probably think it was cool enough to wear to school (even though it doesn't have cars or monster trucks on it), and it would be a nice break from his usual mostly-solid navy blue or red.

love this handknit tunic top for dd also. i'm not sure dd would go for it (it's not pink or purple enough, plus it's knit) but i think she would look absolutely adorable in it!

and another dress for my girliegirl. this mama has a few styles available and they're all adorable! perfect for school while still great for being active. love these.

and for ds, who has been wearing this style of unders since he first showed any sign of potty-learning at age 2... love the prints, love the fit, he has never had a single complaint about any of the 3000 pairs he has (okay not really, but he has far more of these than storebought underwear, that's for sure).

and then perhaps a little something something for me. you know, as a reward for all the shopping and running around and all that i've needed to do. i deserve something new too, right? i have a collection of maybe 8-10 necklaces from jen already, but not in red. beautiful!

fresh is stocking july 9th at 9am and 9pm. our theme this month is EXPLORE! i mostly explored customs leading up to this stocking, but did manage to pull together a few listings...

plus a cool scrap yarn collab with scarlet at huckleberry knits and diane at bugsnugger (my part is the last pic)...

there's tons of other gorgeous stuff available as well.
i'm on the wagon. this ain't about booze but buying handmade. i have bought, i have enjoyed, i am now needing to stop spending because times are tight -- hence being on the wagon. so instead of buying all the lovely things i find i'm going to list some of them here on my blog in hopes that i will turn someone onto something new or someone will buy them and love them as i would! this batch is all for me, but no doubt i'll share some goodies i'd love to get for the kids or other people i know and love soon.
bloom studios ~
just found this shop today after spying a few things on flickr and OH MY. i will be watching this shop and awaiting a time i can treat myself to something!
motherhues (at necessitae) ~
i think she made the enchanted vanilla just for me. okay maybe not, but OH MY is that so calling to me!
laines magnifiques ~
sock yarn. yes i would love more, and laines magnifiques yarns have been speaking to me soooooo sweetly lately!
blossom shop ~
this caught my eye from the moment i saw it on flickr and still haunts me now! beautiful combination of elements.
pisces knits (at tiny lady cooperative) ~
have tons of sockyarn and my feet want spoiling... need someone to knit socks for me since i don't knit enough to say i can knit (i know, it's a sad state of affairs).
la black ~
totally my colors, lots of compartments and looks sturdy to handle all the cr*p i seem to end up carrying around in my purse!
this is the spread from the past week or so of very late nights getting ready for the ALCHEMY grand opening today. i'm thrilled with how almost everything came out. a few things sold and there's still tons available, not to mention some really awesome stuff from the other ladies stocking at Alchemy!

i also have some yarn going on sale tomorrow at Baby Bean Design's big fiber fest on her HC. more lovely goodies from tons of great fiber and other artisans! be sure to stop by there too for lots of temptation!

a kid-safe way to batik! okay, so it's not the only way (washable glue also works wonders), but i'd never have thought of using flour as a batik resist. one part baking, one part letting one's creativity run wild with a squirt bottle (or if i'm smart, 2 squirt bottles so the kids don't have to share). guaranteed to satisfy both of my kids with at least part of the process. anyway, just had to share and we will be trying this out sometime this summer when things can dry outside to give us quicker results not to mention keep most of the mess out there as well.
yep that's right, i actually put a few things on etsy! so a few of them were already on hc, but not all of 'em. wacky to go for a whole month without other hc stockings to worry about, i actually had a little time to do some extras. check it out @ alfabette zoope on etsy!
i've been pitifully horrible about updating my blog! but that's good right, means i've been busy? yeah i'll say that's why. actually it has been the germiest yuckiest winter i can remember ever, and one cold or virus sort of has blurred into the next for far too many weeks (thanks no doubt to my 3yo walking petri dish bringing home lots of stuff from preschool).
but... things have been getting done, slowly but surely. customs are moving along steadily (albeit slowly) and i have been keeping up with stocking 1-2x a month. even more instock coming up, with some guest stockings in april and may at various really cool shops. plus, ALCHEMY is opening in mid-to-late may, exact date to be announced. this is a new congo i am really excited to be part of, made up of several congos that are combining efforts plus a few other select vendors! the range of talent, skills, experience and rockin' products in this group is amazing. so watch for news about that coming up several weeks from now!
here's some pretty pictures of some of the recent things i've stocked, and watch for more coming very soon to for our HUMOR stocking on april 9th, 9am and 9pm eastern!

the scene under my light tent the other night --
yes it kind of looks like a farm around here with all the creature shirts i'm working on or recently finished! lol. i just found it funny (and a wee bit creepy at one in the morning) when i looked over and saw all those shirts staring back.
here's some less creepy stuff... a few customs that are in-progress of have just been wrapped up...
my next stocking is tomorrow, actually -- a guest slot for the grand opening of shadow's rockin' store on hyenacart, felt fusion! i join a bunch of other cool guests plus of course shadow's beautiful felted goodies. it's going to be a great stocking, check it out at 3pm eastern.
and then we have our next stocking at fresh on march 9th at 9am and 9pm as usual. the theme this time is GROWTH and i'll have a bunch of springy and other shirts and yarns, maybe even a set or two, plus an awesome collab with diane of bugsnugger! more info and maybe sneak peeks coming soon...
about updating my blog! a few more stockings have passed since i last managed to get over here and post. i've been doing a lot of instock and some customs... things are moving, but slowly. winter illnesses are kicking my butt this year -- millie brings them home from preschool and i seem to pick up every other one from her, probably because i never get enough sleep.
anyway, i'll just show off some pretties that are still instock either at the leaf shoppe or fresh. enjoy!
beautiful collab with steph at aliah's creations, instock at the leaf shoppe

little stinker tees, still instock at fresh

what started as yarn i dyed, destined for longies for my daughter...

became gorgeous capris (turns out there wasn't enough yarn for longies, oops) worked up by joline at hibiscus baby...

that were worn by my girliegirl, millie...

then she potty-learned.
and then inspiration struck and they became part of a sweet little remix set that sold recently at

and who knows, maybe i'll be able to add a customer photo someday too. and hopefully the capris will be loved as much as they were here, and turned over to the next little girl to love on them, and then the next...
in other news, i'm excited about being one of plumknit's featured indie dyers, with four of my colorways on oh-so-yummy cashmere and cashmere blends stocking this coming tuesday. previews should be up in the next few days at but till then, here's a peek at the goods. :)