just a little bit of yarny love eye candy since i haven't posted in awhile. the first two are headed to canada for a yarn/knitting swap and the last one is waiting for some love over at the leaf shoppe right now!

have several yarns and one tee with option for yarn going up tonite. lots of reds in the yarns this time... basically because i've been trying and botching the same custom yarn and so i made use of them in other ways. i actually love how they turned out -- serendipity i guess! all going live at 8pm EST at wonderful world tonite!

just had to share the latest bunch of stuff -- all of it headed out the door tomorrow except for a piece or two. i'm still way behind on customs and still have a lot to wrap up in the next week but it feels good to be able to get these out at last!
here's 4 shirts all headed to the same family that has been waiting so patiently for them!
and a custom "extended remix" for a new little guy born a week ago
a custom shirt for a little girl coming up on her first birthday very soon now
a long-overdue jolly roger babydoll top
and finally a custom-gone-wrong that's going to be instock in a few days at wonderful world
...to get done again. finally. feeling a bit more human now that my head isn't filled with as much goo as a few days ago and i'm not hacking up my lungs more than once an hour or so instead of every 5 minutes. big improvement. and now lots of catching up to do. here's a few things i managed to complete or nearly complete in the past few days, with more on its way soon.
yarn to match the kawaii kitty dress
last 2 shirts of a 4-shirt custom (these are still getting a little tweaking but are almost ready!)
which go along with these other 2 shirts i finished a few weeks back
a custom remix (this shirt still getting tweaked a bit)... 2nd shirt coming soon
and then finally these were wrapped up last week just before i got sick
so the doc today was fine. but i left disappointed because she didn't prescribe me anything. yeah i know, it's just a cold (apparently) -- but it's hard to break away from the ole "give me a pill to fix this" mentality when one feels this crummy! so it's nasal washes and lots more herbal tea it is for me, and i'm hoping i feel more human in the next few days because each day a symptom takes a turn and being the most annoying -- sunday it was coughing, monday the sore throat, today the horrible sinus headache i just couldn't shake all day... hmm, what will it be tomorrow?
i've been doing a few shirts each night but getting to bed by 1ish. still later than i should be up but it's been hard getting millie down before 10:30-11pm because of the long afternoon naps she's been taking, so i'm getting such a late start! maybe i'll snap a few pics tomorrow of the in-progress stuff. or maybe i'll use that time for a nap instead!
i hope this is the last time you guys have to read my whining for a long time! with no pretty pictures even!
sick again! and whatever it is, i can feel it settling into my chest tonight. doc tuesday -- actually for the kids and it was supposed to just be a checkup for the sake of having up-to-date paperwork for daycare and preschool... but now that we're all sick i gather that's going to be the focus. kids have this nastiness too... millie for over a week now, the poor girl! and jasper has just not been himself the last several days and has had the nose yuckies and coughing jags since wednesday i'm guessing. any day he goes to bed without asking for more time to play you know he has or is fighting something and he was like that tonight and friday night both. :(
so, what does this all translate into? more delays on customs (eek), fewer late late nights because i can't pull it off as much right now, and possibly i'll be prescribed drugs in the near future. oddly i'm excited about the prospect of the drugs right now, because i'm already ready for this yuck to go away and i only came down with it in earnest friday afternoon (on my birthday -- how cruel is that).
stuff that needs to go out or be worked on this week, though -- peter's cd artwork (in progress), carina's yarn(s) and shirt, jenni's shirts (in progress), stacey's set (in progress), leanne's shirt (in progress), yarn and shirt for an upcoming collab with teababies, and the plumknit charity set i'm doing with fluff & stuff. and there's probably more but that's what i'm thinking of right now.
wish me luck!