a few works-in-progress this week for your viewing pleasure. :)

i guess i should call this something else since i don't have pics of any of these yet, but oh well. i've been working on customs alongside the instock that went live last night at wonderful world and in the past 48 hours have batiked no less than 4 jolly roger shirts! 3 black, 1 blue. the 3 blacks are in the dyebath now and the blue is boiling on the stove. next up is winter wheat for another custom, and a little something for a friend's new babe... theme still tbd on that one but it's going to be girlie!
here's pics of the rest of what i stocked last night, since i never did get some of the listings up till midday yesterday (talk about last minute...)

my next stocking will be march 2nd at wonderful world again. we're doing a great themed stocking -- all things inspired by dr. seuss! i think it's going to be a blast. oh, and i might possibly put up some sock yarn for happy mama day on the 29th of this month, i actually have a skein of 80/20 sock yarn (cashmere, baby!) dyed up in my beach pebbles colorway but it fell into a mass of tangles... if i can find the time to untangle that rat's nest, watch for it on the 29th!
so i'm finally getting back on track with customs this week. i have 1 shirt done, 2 batiked up, one instock shirt for saturday at wonderful world on its first dye round, and 2 more shirts waiting for me tonite. and some yarn soaking for instock also. now all i need is good dyeing vibes to wrap these all up! pics/previews forthcoming, probably tomorrow!
okay, one teaser pic only tonite, as everything else is still drying or in need of better pictures. but i ***love*** how this set turned out. i'm putting it up for auction (i think) at 8pm eastern on the 16th at wonderful world along with several other things.

most of this was dyed sunday, except a few things done last week that will be going out in tomorrow's mail. it just gives me warm fuzzies seeing a bunch of purdy yarn all lined up like that. for those who might care, left to right they are "pollen", "deep pool", "in bloom", "new leaf", "great outdoors", "fungirl v2", "with envy", and "spice rub" (which isn't quite so dark but was lost in the shadows a bit). all except the middle two will be stocking tomorrow at the leaf shoppe, 2pm eastern.
...at yarn for an upcoming collab with gen of the cloth canoe. i'm pretty pleased with it and hope it makes someone very happy and hopefully ends up as a very nice pair of shorties or similar to go with the awesome dipe gen is putting together. if you haven't seen her stuff yet -- go check it out. she makes cloth dipes as well as mama pads that are absolute works of art (not to mention really squishy, comfy and thirsty)!
i'm running behind on customs already this year -- GAH!!! mostly because of one that just wasn't turning out like i wanted, and i kind of got stuck there. i'm still working on fixing that situation because the first shirt i did just didn't turn out nearly as cool as i envisioned (okay let's face it -- if it were being stocked it would definitely be a second), but plan to move onto other customs beginning this weekend -- so a few people on the list will probably be hearing from me in the next few days to confirm sizes, styles, designs and colors. :)
our theme at wonderful world is wonderful world (as in the song louis armstrong made famous). so, i have 3 things stocking inspired by the lyrics to the song. everything stocks at 8pm eastern february 2nd! see ya there!