Alchemy is stocked up with some lovely items right now. These are the ones still available as of this morning:

And I finally got a few things loaded up on etsy as well:
Etsy: Your place to buy & sell all things handmade |
Go forth and shop on this lovely Friday! :)
it's time to revive this blog. hopefully. big, exciting stuff happening this year and once i get into a good groove, i think it will all be tons of fun. while i'm still finding that groove, well... i'm feeling a little bit crazed. i'm working on it. tomorrow i will be submitting an application to be a vendor at my first show. and what an awesome show it is! midwest fiber and folk was held the last 3 years just one town away from me and i've gone each time to lose myself in fibery goodness as a customer or student. this year it is being held a bit further away in grayslake, illinois -- but still within easy driving distance. cross your fingers for me i get in. if i do, i'll be sharing a booth with the amazing jen of starving artist bazaar. we've been friends since college and it's so neat that we share a love for making and selling handmade goodies over a decade later. oh heck 15 years now? i shouldn't have actually done the math.
also coming up this week will be a stocking at alchemy. we're doing a cool "spring cleaning and greening" theme -- which means there will not only be some new green goods there, but some deals on some things certain vendors have sitting around waiting for the perfect home to go to! i should have at least one HC$ auction, some discounted prices, and a few new, regular-priced items as well.
and finally, i am going to finally revive my etsy shop! it's been sorely neglected for too long and i have several things waiting to go up there hopefully later this week. keep an eye out for those!