what started as yarn i dyed, destined for longies for my daughter...

became gorgeous capris (turns out there wasn't enough yarn for longies, oops) worked up by joline at hibiscus baby...

that were worn by my girliegirl, millie...

then she potty-learned.
and then inspiration struck and they became part of a sweet little remix set that sold recently at http://hyenacart.com/fresh/...

and who knows, maybe i'll be able to add a customer photo someday too. and hopefully the capris will be loved as much as they were here, and turned over to the next little girl to love on them, and then the next...
in other news, i'm excited about being one of plumknit's featured indie dyers, with four of my colorways on oh-so-yummy cashmere and cashmere blends stocking this coming tuesday. previews should be up in the next few days at http://hyenacart.com/plumknityarnsupply/index.php?c=63 but till then, here's a peek at the goods. :)